Social Work:
Social work focuses on the relationship between individuals and their social environment. The social environment all around us is made up of systems.
Our families, places of work, schools, churches and communities are all systems in which we find ourselves. We are dependent upon these systems to provide us with the material, social, emotional and spiritual resources we need to have a good quality of life. These systems also help us cope with the tasks of living our lives.
Social work is concerned with the interaction between individuals and the social systems that are impacting their lives. Social workers are agents of change.
The purposes of social work are:
To enhance individual problem solving skills and coping mechanisms.
To link people with the systems that can provide the support, services and opportunities they require.
To promote the efficacy of the support, services and opportunities.
To contribute to the evolution of fair social policy.
Hannah Clinical Social Work Services Inc is qualified and able to contribute to society through quality social work. Referrals are made on a case by case basis and all are billed at an hourly rate.
Please contact us if you are in need of social work services.