Psychotherapy is therapeutic intervention at the level of the mind, also known as the “psyche”. The goal is to free the client from the effects of their emotional baggage. The process involves a psychological shift from a place of disempowerment to a place of empowerment.
We are generally not aware of our internal processes, yet our overt behaviour and internal emotional states are the result of neurological activity internally regulated or deregulated through cognitive, emotional or physical brain structures. These subconscious mechanisms are the focus of psychotherapy. The process of psychotherapy is talk therapy that involves the raising of volatile emotional issues to the conscious mind. It is hard work and often takes a period of time. Once the issues have been raised to the conscious or “rational” mind they can be examined and released. New strategies for living can be learned to replace the old reactive behaviours that caused trouble in the past.
Psychotherapeutic intervention involves collaboration between the client and the therapist. The therapist serves as a guide on the journey of awareness and then as a coach in the acquisition of new insights, skills and perspectives on old issues.